
Schique Skincare feature in the May 2017 issue of Angeleno
Schique Skincare feature in the May 2017 issue of American Spa
Beauty Fashion Fragrance Schique skincare feature
Soothe a sunburn feature on Prevention
Instagram love from @fashinny
Instagram love from @modlychic
Summer Detox Tips on Byrdie
Intuitive Restoration Renewing Mask post on GCI
DIY Masks For Every Skin Type
Introducing Schique skincare Healing Flower Power on She She Me
MakeUp Brew's Review of Schique
Instagram love from @thehennaali
Instagram love from @themisufix
Thrifty Momma Ramblings blog post of Schique Skincare
Groomed LA's blog post on Dandelion Extract
7 Green Swaps for Earth Day in Huffington Post
24Life Interview With Dr. Jacqueline Schaffer
Oscar Sunday Fashion & Beauty Red Carpet Survival Guide